News & Insights

Update to Fees for Cyber Essentials Certification

3 March 2022Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials Fees

IASME have recently announced New Fees for Cyber Essentials Certification which you should be aware of if you are considering applying for the accreditation.

As announced in our recent blog – Cyber Essentials 3.0 – the scheme will be going through its biggest overhaul since it was first launched in 2014. The new requirements driven by the adoption of Hybrid Working and increased digital transformation across the world include updates to: use of Cloud Services, Home-Working, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Password Management, Security Updates and more.

The revised fees will be based on the size of the organisation being certified and will be broken down based on the employee count of the organisation.

  • 0-9 Employees | £300.00 + VAT
  • 10 – 49 Employees | £400.00 + VAT
  • 50 – 249 Employees | £450.00 +VAT
  • 250+ Employees | £500.00 +VAT

These fees came into effect on the 24th January 2022.

What is Cyber Essentials?

The Cyber Essentials Certification scheme was developed by the National Cyber Security Council to encourage UK registered businesses to implement and manage five technical controls designed to ensure maximum protection for your business against the most common internet-based-threats. The scheme adopts five technical controls which include: Firewalls, Secure Configuration, User Access Control, Malware Protection and Patch Management.

Cyber Essentials is available in two formats, Self-Assessment or Cyber Essentials Plus which is an independently verified assessment of your submission.

Achieving Cyber Essentials will:

Reassure customers that you are working to secure your IT against cyber attack.

Attract new business with the promise you have cyber security measures in place.

Provide a clear picture of your organisation’s cyber security level.

Grow business as some Government contracts require Cyber Essentials certification.

If your organisation is considering Cyber Essentials Certification and would like to discuss further, get in touch with the team today: