Technical Analysis: Vulnerability Assessments
A Vulnerability Assessment provides you with a 360 degree view of your environment and its current defences.
The National Cyber Security Council (NCSC) offer guidance around Vulnerability Management which can be found here.
The goal here is to ensure you understand the current risks within your organisation. A Vulnerability Assessment will provide you with a detailed report highlighting the vulnerabilities and the risk each poses to your organistion.
Fourtify will support in fortifying your business against them to help you take control before before a cyber attack does.
Benefits of a Vulnerability Assessment
Technical Analysis: Penetration Test
A Penetration Test is a form of ethical hacking which involves a targetted simulated attack against your organisations network, software, applications, cloud environment or website.
Also known as ‘pen-testing’, the goal is to uncover and remediate unknown vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit within your environment.
The National Cyber Security Council (NCSC) offer guidance around Penetration Testing which can be found here.
Fourtify consultants are CREST-accredited penetration testers who will work with you to ensure your business-critical data is protected from today’s cyber-attackers.
Benefits of a Penetration Test
Cyber Security Gap Analysis
Fourtifys’ Security Gap Analysis is designed to help s Businesses on their Cyber Journey. We will assess a broad number of controls and technologies to provide you with an in-depth report detailing any cyber security gaps within your environment.
By undertaking a security gap analysis, your organisation can effectively evaluate its strengths and weaknesses when considering their cyber security posture.
By understanding the current risks, the business is able to create and plan to resolve known issues and enhance their information security.
Benefits of a Cyber Security Gap Analysis
Use the report to drive process improvements within your organisation to improve business practices.
Reduce Risk
Reduce risks to your business by better understanding where they are and how to resolve.